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Ventura Wealth Clients
3 min Read

The National Pension Scheme, or NPS, is a powerful tool to plan your retirement as well as save tax while you are earning. It helps you build a financially secure future. Understanding NPS, however, can be a little tricky. Some of you may see a deduction for NPS through your salary. Maybe, you have seen an option for an additional NPS contribution while filing your tax returns. So, are the two NPS contributions different? And if so, how? In this blog, we will explore the intricacies of the National Pension Scheme and how you can make the best of it.

Understanding the basics

  • What is NPS? Launched in 2004, NPS is a voluntary, long-term investment scheme sponsored by the Government of India. It allows individuals to systematically contribute funds towards their retirement corpus throughout their working years. Upon reaching retirement age, subscribers can withdraw a portion of the corpus and receive the remaining amount as a regular pension.
  • Who can join? Indian citizens between the ages of 18 and 60 years are eligible to open an NPS account. There are two account types: Tier I, mandatory for government employees joining after January 1, 2004, and Tier II, open to all Indian citizens on a voluntary basis.
  • Contribution Options: You can contribute to NPS through your employer, online payment gateways, or designated branches of Point of Presence (POP) service providers. The minimum contribution amount is ₹500 per month, and there is no maximum limit. You can also choose to make additional voluntary contributions beyond the minimum requirement.

What is the investment structure for NPS?

  • Market-Linked Scheme: NPS invests your contributions in a mix of equity, fixed income, and alternative asset classes based on your chosen investment option. This exposes you to potential higher returns compared to traditional schemes but also carries inherent market risks.
  • Fund Managers: Several professional fund managers are appointed by PFRDA (Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority) to manage the investments. You can choose your preferred fund manager based on their past performance and risk-return profile.
  • Estimated Returns: While past performance is not indicative of future results, historical data suggests that NPS has generated average returns ranging from 8% to 12% per annum. However, it's crucial to remember that market fluctuations can impact returns, and you should be prepared for potential volatility.

How can you save tax with NPS?

  • Tax Deductions: Contributions to NPS qualify for tax deductions under Section 80CCD(1B) of the Income Tax Act, up to a maximum of ₹1.5 lakh per year. Additionally, employers' contributions to Tier I accounts are tax-exempt for both employer and employee.
  • Partial Withdrawal Option: Unlike most retirement schemes, NPS allows for partial withdrawal after 10 years of account opening, for specific purposes like children's education or medical emergencies.
  • Lock-in Period: Upon reaching retirement age, you can withdraw up to 60% of your corpus tax-free. The remaining 40% must be used to purchase an annuity that provides a regular pension income throughout your retirement.

How to plan your NPS journey?

  • Determine Your Retirement Needs: Estimate your desired lifestyle and required monthly income in retirement. This will help you calculate the necessary corpus you need to accumulate through NPS.
  • Choose Your Investment Option: Depending on your risk tolerance and time horizon, select an appropriate investment option. Conservative investors might opt for the Auto Choice (Life Cycle) option, while those seeking higher potential returns can choose an aggressive option like Equity (E).
  • Start Early and Contribute Regularly: The power of compounding works wonders in NPS. Starting early and contributing consistently allows your corpus to grow significantly over time.
  • Monitor and Rebalance: Periodically review your portfolio and rebalance your investments based on your risk tolerance and changing market conditions.

Beyond the basics

  • NPS and Your Overall Portfolio: While NPS is a valuable tool, it shouldn't be your sole retirement planning strategy. Consider diversifying your investments across other assets like real estate, gold, and other tax-saving instruments to create a well-rounded retirement plan.
  • Seek Professional Advice: A financial advisor can help you assess your individual needs, determine your risk tolerance, and create a personalised retirement plan that incorporates NPS along with other suitable investment options.
  • Stay Informed: Regularly update your knowledge about NPS rules, investment options, and market trends to make informed decisions throughout your NPS journey.

Remember, planning for your retirement is an ongoing process. By understanding the National Pension System and incorporating it into your overall financial strategy, you can take control of your future and build a secure and fulfilling life after you hang up your boots.