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Ventura Wealth Clients
2 min Read

If you invest in stocks, you become a partial owner of the company. Being a partial owner, or a shareholder, comes with its own share of rights. Understanding these rights empowers you to be a more informed and involved investor.

Which rights do you have as a shareholder?

  • Voting Rights: This is a big one. As a shareholder, you have the right to vote on important company matters like electing board members, approving mergers and acquisitions, and even executive compensation packages. The number of votes you hold typically corresponds to the number of shares you own.
  • Information Rights: You deserve to be informed about the company's financial health and performance. Shareholders have the right to receive annual reports, proxy statements (materials related to voting), and attend annual meetings. These resources provide valuable insights into the company's direction and strategies.
  • Dividend Rights: When a company makes a profit, it may choose to distribute a portion of that profit to shareholders in the form of dividends. These payments are a direct benefit of ownership. However, the company is not obligated to pay dividends, and the decision to do so rests with the board of directors.
  • Inspection Rights: Under certain circumstances, shareholders have the right to inspect the company's books and records. This right allows you to verify the company's financial statements and ensure proper corporate governance.
  • Right to Sell Shares: Shareholder rights extend to the freedom to buy and sell your shares on a stock exchange. This allows you to adjust your portfolio and potentially realise capital gains if the share price increases.
  • Derivative Rights: In some cases, shareholders may have preemptive rights to purchase additional shares before they are offered to the public. This right helps maintain your ownership stake in the company if it issues new shares.

Exercising your shareholder rights

  • Annual Meetings: Attending annual meetings allows you to ask questions, voice your concerns, and participate in the democratic process of corporate governance.
  • Proxy Voting: If you can't attend an annual meeting, you can still vote by proxy. This allows you to appoint another shareholder or the company's management to vote on your behalf according to your instructions.
  • Shareholder Activism: If you have strong feelings about a company's direction, you can join forces with other shareholders to push for change. This can involve submitting proposals for a vote or engaging directly with management.

Remember: The extent of shareholder rights can vary depending on the company's structure and the class of shares you own (common stock, preferred stock, etc.). It's always wise to consult the company's governance documents and relevant regulations for a complete picture.

Knowledge is power

By understanding your shareholder rights, you can take a more active role in your investments. You can make informed decisions, hold companies accountable, and potentially influence their long-term success. So, don't be a passive investor – embrace your ownership rights and become a more engaged participant in the world of stock investment.