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3 min Read

The Indian stock market offers a vast array of investment opportunities, but some come with additional layers of scrutiny. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) implements various surveillance measures to safeguard investor interests and maintain market stability. Among these measures are the Additional Surveillance Measures (ASM) and Graded Surveillance Measures (GSM) lists. This blog dives deep into the world of ASM and GSM stocks, explaining their purpose, implications for trading, and strategies for navigating them.

Understanding SEBI's surveillance measures

SEBI, the regulatory body for the Indian securities market, actively monitors trading activity to identify potential irregularities or excessive volatility. When a stock exhibits suspicious trading patterns or price movements, SEBI might place it under ASM or GSM for enhanced surveillance.

What are ASM stocks?

Additional Surveillance Measures (ASM) are implemented for stocks that exhibit:

  • Unusual Price Movements: Significant fluctuations in the stock price without any apparent fundamental reason can trigger an ASM listing.
  • High Trading Volume: An unusually high volume of trading activity, often accompanied by significant price changes, might raise concerns and lead to ASM placement.
  • Speculative Trading Activity: SEBI might suspect excessive speculation or manipulation driving the stock price and place it under ASM.

Implications of ASM listing

  • Margin Restrictions: Buying ASM stocks on margin might be restricted or limited by brokers. This discourages excessive leverage and potential manipulation.
  • Increased Scrutiny: Regulatory bodies will closely monitor trading activity in ASM stocks to detect any irregularities.
  • Investor Awareness: Investors are alerted to the ASM status of a stock, allowing them to make informed decisions before investing.

What are GSM stocks?

Graded Surveillance Measures (GSM) represent a more severe level of monitoring compared to ASM. Stocks are placed under GSM when they exhibit:

  • Persistent Underperformance: Stocks with a consistent decline in price over a sustained period might be categorised as GSM.
  • Low Trading Volume: Stocks with minimal trading activity and limited investor interest can be placed under GSM.
  • Financial Concerns: If a company faces significant financial difficulties, SEBI might place its stock under GSM to protect investors.

GSM categories and implications

GSM comes with varying levels of restrictions depending on the severity of the situation. These categories, often denoted by GSM 1, GSM 2, and so on, can involve:

  • Trading Frequency Restrictions: Trading might be allowed only on specific days (e.g., once a week) to discourage impulsive decisions.
  • Increased Price Band: The permissible range for intraday price movement might be narrowed to limit volatility.
  • Investor Discouragement: Investors might receive warnings or disclaimers highlighting the risks associated with GSM stocks.

Trading strategies for ASM and GSM stocks

While ASM and GSM stocks can be risky, they also present potential opportunities for experienced investors with a high-risk tolerance. Here are some strategies to consider:

  • Thorough Research: Conduct in-depth research to understand the reasons behind the ASM/GSM listing and the company's fundamentals.
  • Short-Term Focus: If investing, consider a short-term trading approach due to the inherent volatility associated with these stocks.
  • Strict Risk Management: Emphasise strict stop-loss orders to limit potential losses if the stock price continues to decline.
  • Alternative Opportunities: Consider exploring other investment avenues with potentially lower risk profiles if unsure about ASM/GSM stocks.

Benefits and drawbacks of SEBI's measures

  • Investor Protection: Surveillance measures safeguard investors from potential market manipulation and uninformed decisions regarding volatile stocks.
  • Market Stability: By curbing excessive speculation, SEBI promotes market stability and prevents drastic price swings.
  • Limited Liquidity: Restrictions on ASM/GSM stocks can reduce their liquidity and make them less attractive to some investors.
  • Market Efficiency Concerns: Overly stringent surveillance measures might hinder efficient price discovery for these stocks.


Understanding ASM and GSM listings is crucial for navigating the Indian stock market. While exercising caution is essential when dealing with these stocks, informed and experienced investors can potentially find opportunities within them. SEBI continuously strives to refine its surveillance measures, balancing investor protection with market efficiency. By staying informed about these regulations and conducting thorough research, investors can make sound investment decisions and navigate the complexities of the Indian stock market with greater confidence.

Additional considerations

  • Impact on Listed Companies: Being placed under ASM or GSM can negatively impact a company's reputation and potentially hinder its ability to raise capital. Companies are incentivized to address the underlying issues and improve their corporate governance practices.
  • Role of Media and Analysts: Financial media and analysts play a crucial role in disseminating information about ASM and GSM stocks. Investors should rely on credible sources and conduct their own due diligence before making investment decisions.
  • Alternative Information Sources: Investors can utilise resources like annual reports, company filings, and investor presentations to gain a deeper understanding of companies under ASM or GSM surveillance.

Final thoughts

The world of ASM and GSM stocks requires a cautious yet potentially rewarding approach. By understanding the rationale behind these measures, investors can navigate the additional layers of scrutiny and potentially identify hidden opportunities. Remember, responsible investing hinges on thorough research, risk management, and a long-term perspective, regardless of whether you're dealing with regular stocks or those under ASM/GSM surveillance.