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Ventura Wealth Clients
3 min Read

In the world of personal finance, striking a balance between saving and minimising your tax burden is crucial. Tax-saving fixed deposits (FDs) emerge as a compelling option for risk-averse investors seeking to achieve both these goals. This blog dives deep into the intricacies of tax-saving FDs, unpacking their benefits, drawbacks, and key considerations to help you decide if they fit your financial strategy.

What are tax-saving fixed deposits?

Tax-saving FDs are a special type of fixed deposit offered by banks in India. They come with a lock-in period of five years, meaning you cannot withdraw your invested amount before the maturity date. However, the primary benefit of tax-saving FDs lies in their tax-saving potential. Here's how they help you save on taxes:

  • Deduction under Section 80C: Investments in tax-saving FDs qualify for a deduction under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. This allows you to deduct the amount invested from your taxable income, thereby reducing your overall tax liability.
  • Maximum Deduction Limit: The current maximum deduction limit under Section 80C is Rs. 1.5 lakh per financial year. This means you can invest up to Rs. 1.5 lakh in tax-saving FDs and claim a deduction for that amount on your taxable income.

Benefits of tax-saving FDs (other than saving taxes)

  • Safety and Security: Tax-saving FDs, like all bank FDs, are a safe investment option. They are typically insured up to Rs. 5 lakh by the Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation (DICGC), a government agency, protecting your principal amount in case of bank failure.
  • Guaranteed Returns: Tax-saving FDs offer a fixed interest rate for the entire tenure of your deposit. This provides stability and predictability in terms of your returns, unlike market-linked investment options.
  • Disciplined Savings: The five-year lock-in period of tax-saving FDs discourages premature withdrawals, promoting disciplined saving habits. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who struggle with impulse spending.

Considerations before investing in FDs

  • Lower Potential Returns: Compared to some equity-based investments, tax-saving FDs generally offer lower potential returns. The interest rate offered on tax-saving FDs may not always outpace inflation, resulting in a slight erosion of purchasing power over time.
  • Limited Liquidity: The five-year lock-in period restricts your access to the invested amount. This can be a drawback if you need emergency funds during the tenure. There are no premature withdrawal options for tax-saving FDs.
  • Tax on Interest Income: While the principal amount invested is eligible for a deduction under Section 80C, the interest earned on tax-saving FDs is taxable as per your income tax slab.

Should you invest in a tax-saving FD?

Tax-saving FDs cater to a specific investor profile. Here's how to determine if they align with your financial goals:

  • Investment Horizon: If you have a long-term investment horizon of at least five years and don't require immediate access to your funds, tax-saving FDs can be a suitable option.
  • Risk Tolerance: If you are risk-averse and prioritise safety and security of your principal amount, tax-saving FDs offer peace of mind.
  • Tax Planning Goals: If you're seeking to reduce your tax liability and maximise deductions under Section 80C, tax-saving FDs can be a valuable tool in your tax-saving strategy.

Tips for smart investing in tax-saving FDs

  • Compare Interest Rates: Shop around and compare interest rates offered by different banks on tax-saving FDs. Opt for the bank that offers the highest rate to maximise your returns.
  • Explore Senior Citizen Benefits: Some banks offer higher interest rates on tax-saving FDs for senior citizens. If you fall under this category, explore these options for potentially better returns.
  • Consider Ladder Investment: Instead of investing a lump sum, consider a laddering approach. Invest smaller amounts in tax-saving FDs with varying maturities (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 years). This allows you to access a portion of your funds periodically while still benefiting from long-term tax deductions.

Beyond the basics

While tax-saving FDs offer a compelling option, it's essential to explore other avenues for tax-saving under Section 80C:

  • Equity Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS): ELSS are mutual funds that invest a significant portion of their assets in equity stocks. They offer potentially higher returns compared to tax-saving FDs but come with inherent market risks.
  • Public Provident Fund (PPF): PPF is a long-term government savings scheme with attractive interest rates and tax benefits. However, it comes with a lock-in period of 15 years with partial withdrawal options after a specific period.
  • National Pension System (NPS): NPS is a retirement savings scheme offering tax benefits and the potential for market-linked returns. However, contributions are locked until retirement, with limited withdrawal options.

Remember: Diversification is key! Consider a mix of investment options based on your risk tolerance, investment horizon, and financial goals. Don't rely solely on tax-saving FDs to fulfil all your tax-saving needs.

Consult a financial advisor

For a personalised approach, consider consulting a registered financial advisor. They can assess your financial situation, risk tolerance, and investment goals, and recommend a suitable investment strategy that incorporates tax-saving options like FDs alongside other instruments to optimise your returns and minimise your tax liability.


Tax-saving FDs offer a valuable tool for disciplined saving and tax reduction. By understanding their benefits, and drawbacks, and exploring alternative investment options, you can make informed decisions to build a secure financial future. Remember, a well-rounded financial plan that combines tax-saving strategies with diversified investments is essential for achieving your long-term financial goals.