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3 min Read

For every aspiring or seasoned trader, maximising profits is a constant pursuit. But lurking in the shadows is a silent foe – brokerage fees. These seemingly insignificant charges can eat away at your returns, hindering your financial goals. This blog equips you with the knowledge to save on brokerage while trading, putting more money back in your pocket.

Understanding brokerage fees

There are two main types of fees that contribute to your brokerage costs:

  • Commissions: This is a per-trade fee charged by your broker for executing your buy or sell orders. It can be a fixed amount or a percentage of the trade value. Imagine a ₹10 commission per trade. If you buy and sell 10 shares of a company priced at ₹100 each, the commission alone would be ₹20 (₹10 for buying and another ₹10 for selling), directly impacting your potential profit.
  • Platform Fees: Some brokers charge additional fees for using their trading platform. These fees may cover access to data feeds, advanced charting tools, or other features. Think of it like a subscription fee for a more sophisticated trading experience.

Impact on your trading style

The significance of brokerage fees varies depending on your trading style:

  • Day Trading: For day traders who make frequent, high-volume trades throughout the day, even small brokerage fees can accumulate quickly. A day trader making 20 trades with a ₹10 commission each could see ₹200 vanish before they even factor in profits or losses!
  • Swing Trading: Swing traders who hold positions for days or weeks are less impacted by fees, but minimising them can still improve overall returns. Every penny saved is a penny earned, especially when dealing with multiple swing trades.
  • Long-Term Investing: While long-term investors make fewer trades, high brokerage fees can eat into returns over time, especially for smaller investment accounts. A seemingly small ₹50 commission on a long-term investment can make a significant difference over a decade.

Beyond the obvious

Be wary of these hidden costs that can inflate your overall brokerage expenses:

  • Account Maintenance Fees: Some brokers charge annual or monthly fees for maintaining your trading account. It's like a yearly or monthly service charge for keeping your account active.
  • Inactivity Fees: If you don't trade for a certain period, some brokers might charge inactivity fees. It's a penalty for not using their platform!
  • Margin Interest: If you trade on margin (borrowing money from your broker to invest), be aware of the interest charged on borrowed funds. This interest can add up quickly and significantly reduce your potential returns.

How to minimise brokerage costs?

Fortunately, there are strategies you can employ to mitigate the impact of brokerage fees:

  • Choose a Low-Cost Broker: Discount brokers typically offer lower commissions and platform fees compared to full-service brokers. Research and find a broker that aligns with your trading needs and budget. Don't be afraid to compare different options!
  • Negotiate Commissions: For high-volume traders, some brokers might be willing to negotiate commission rates. Don't hesitate to ask!
  • Consider Your Trading Style: Match your broker's fee structure with your trading frequency. If you're a day trader, a low commission fee is crucial.
  • Optimise Order Size: For commission-based fees, consider increasing your order size to reduce the per-share cost. Instead of buying 10 shares with a ₹20 commission per trade, consider buying 50 shares and reducing the commission cost per share.
  • Sign up for Ventura’s early access: With our all-new Android app live with the iOS and web platforms in the making, you can trade for just ₹9 per trade if you sign up for our early access.


Brokerage fees, while seemingly small, can significantly impact your options trading returns. By understanding the different types of fees, and their impact on various trading styles, and adopting fee-reduction strategies, you can keep more of your hard-earned profits. However, remember to consider the overall value proposition of a broker beyond just the fees.

By arming yourself with this knowledge, you can approach your trading journey with a sharper edge:

  • Cost-Conscious Mindset: Develop a cost-conscious mindset when choosing a broker and structuring your trades. Every penny saved contributes to your bottom line.
  • Strategic Planning: Factor in brokerage fees when planning your trades and consider their impact on your potential returns. Don't let hidden fees eat into your profits.
  • Continuous Learning: The financial landscape is ever-evolving. Stay updated on brokerage fee structures and explore new strategies to optimise your trading experience. As new brokers and offers emerge, be sure to stay informed to find the best fit for your needs.

Remember, successful trading is a marathon, not a sprint. By making informed choices about your broker, minimising brokerage fees, and focusing on your long-term goals, you can position yourself for greater success in the markets. So, go forth, be a cost-conscious trader, and watch your returns grow.