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What is Long Unwinding?

Long unwinding in the share market is a process where investors or traders who hold long positions in a particular stock or security start selling their holdings. This selling pressure results in the reduction or unwinding of their previously held long positions. Long unwinding typically occurs when investors believe that the stock has reached its peak or when they anticipate a downward trend in the stock's price.

Indicators and signals of long unwinding

Indicators of long unwinding include increasing selling volume and declining open interest in futures contracts. Traders often use technical analysis tools such as charts and moving averages to identify patterns of long unwinding in the market.

Impact of long unwinding on stock prices

Long unwinding can exert downward pressure on stock prices as investors liquidate their long positions. This selling activity may lead to a decline in the stock's price, especially if there is a lack of buying interest to absorb the selling pressure.

Is long unwinding bullish or bearish?

Long unwinding is generally considered bearish as it indicates a loss of confidence or a negative sentiment among investors. When investors start unwinding their long positions, it suggests that they expect the stock's price to decrease in the near future. However, long unwinding can sometimes precede a period of consolidation or a reversal in the stock's price trend, so traders should consider other factors before making trading decisions.

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