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What is Implied Volatility (IV)?

Implied volatility (IV) is a crucial concept in options trading, representing the market's expectation of future volatility for a particular underlying asset. It is derived from the options pricing model and reflects the anticipated magnitude of price swings in the underlying security over a specific period. High implied volatility suggests greater uncertainty and potential price fluctuations, while low implied volatility indicates relative stability.

Implied volatility as a trading tool

Traders use implied volatility as a valuable tool for assessing option pricing and making informed trading decisions. High implied volatility may present opportunities for option buyers seeking to capitalise on potential price movements, while option sellers may benefit from selling overpriced options when implied volatility is elevated.

Implied volatility in stocks

Implied volatility is not limited to options trading; it also affects stock prices indirectly. Changes in implied volatility can influence the price of options, which in turn can impact the demand for the underlying stock. Stocks with high implied volatility may experience greater price fluctuations, attracting traders seeking volatility-driven trading opportunities.

Benefits of implied volatility in options trading

Understanding implied volatility allows options traders to gauge market expectations and assess the relative attractiveness of options premiums. By monitoring changes in implied volatility, traders can adjust their options strategies accordingly, potentially optimising their risk-reward profiles. Additionally, implied volatility provides valuable insights into market sentiment and can help traders anticipate potential price movements in the underlying asset.

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