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2 min Read

The relationship between the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), the capital market regulator, and the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), India's oldest stock exchange, has come under scrutiny due to a recent bill presented by the Maharashtra government. If you invest in stocks, you might have noticed a 17% drop in the BSE stock. But what exactly happened between SEBI and BSE? This blog dives into the details of the Rs. 160 crore bill, the potential implications, and the ongoing tussle between SEBI and BSE.

Why did SEBI send BSE a Rs. 160-crore bill?

The Maharashtra government introduced a bill proposing a tax waiver of Rs. 160 crore for the BSE. This waiver pertains to stamp duty levied on the exchange's equity capital. The rationale behind the waiver, as stated by the Maharashtra government, is to promote the development of the capital market in the state.

What were SEBI’s objectives with BSE?

SEBI has raised concerns about the tax waiver, arguing that it grants an unfair advantage to the BSE over other stock exchanges in India. SEBI emphasises the need for a level playing field for all market participants to ensure fair competition and market integrity.

What was BSE’s perspective?

The BSE, established in 1875, contends that the tax waiver recognizes its historical significance and contribution to the Indian capital market. The exchange argues that the waiver will help it invest in infrastructure upgrades and technological advancements to compete more effectively with newer exchanges.

What is the potential impact?

  • Market Disparity: If the tax waiver is approved, it could create an uneven playing field, potentially leading other exchanges to demand similar concessions from their respective state governments.
  • SEBI's Authority: A precedent of state governments overriding SEBI's regulations could weaken the regulator's authority and create uncertainty in the market.
  • Investor Confidence: Unequal treatment of market participants could erode investor confidence in the fairness and transparency of the Indian capital market.

Looking ahead

  • Dialogue and Compromise: SEBI and the Maharashtra government could engage in dialogue to explore alternative solutions that support the development of the capital market while maintaining a level playing field.
  • Uniform Tax Structure: The central government could consider implementing a uniform tax structure for all stock exchanges across India to eliminate disparity.
  • Focus on National Development: The focus should shift towards strengthening the overall Indian capital market infrastructure to benefit all stakeholders.


The Rs. 160 crore bill has ignited a debate about the balance between promoting individual institutions and ensuring a fair and competitive market environment. SEBI's role in safeguarding investor interests and maintaining market integrity is crucial. Finding a solution that addresses the concerns of all parties involved – SEBI, the BSE, the Maharashtra government, and ultimately, investors – will be essential for the continued growth and stability of the Indian capital market.

Additional points to consider

  • Legal Challenges: SEBI might consider legal challenges if the Rs. 160 crore tax waiver bill is passed by the Maharashtra government.
  • Impact on Other States: This issue might set a precedent for other states with stock exchanges to seek similar tax benefits for their institutions.
  • Alternative Support Measures: The Maharashtra government could explore alternative support measures for the BSE that don't distort market competition.

By staying informed about the developments surrounding this issue, investors and market participants can make informed decisions and navigate the evolving landscape of the Indian capital market.