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Are you looking for a reliable, secure, and low-risk investment option in India? Treasury bills (T-bills) might be the perfect fit for you. This blog will delve into what treasury bills are, how they work, their benefits, how to invest, and important considerations for potential investors.

What are treasury bills?

Treasury bills are short-term debt instruments issued by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on behalf of the Indian government.

  • Maturity period: T-bills come in three maturities:

    • 91-day T-bills
    • 182-day T-bills
    • 364-day T-bills

  • Zero-coupon securities: T-bills are zero-coupon instruments. This means they do not pay regular interest. Instead, they are issued at a discount to their face value and redeemed at face value on maturity. The difference between the purchase price and redemption value represents your return.

How do t-bills work?

  • Auction system: The RBI conducts auctions for T-bills on a regular basis (usually weekly). Investors can participate in these auctions directly or through their banks or brokers.
  • Bidding: Investors submit bids indicating the price they are willing to pay for the T-bills. The RBI determines a cut-off price, and investors who bid at or above this price are allocated T-bills.
  • Return calculation: Let's take an example. Suppose you purchase a 91-day T-bill with a face value of ₹1 lakh at a price of ₹98,500. At maturity, you will receive a face value of ₹1 lakh. Your return would be ₹1,500 (₹1 lakh - ₹98,500), which is the difference between the purchase price and face value.

Benefits of investing in treasury bills

Investing in T-bills offers you several advantages, starting with guaranteed returns on your investment. Let us look at some more benefits.

  • Safety of investment: As T-bills are backed by the Indian government, they carry virtually no credit risk, making them one of the safest investment options available.
  • Low risk: Since they are short-term and backed by the government, T-bills have minimal price volatility, offering stability to your portfolio.
  • Liquidity: Treasury bills are highly liquid, meaning they can be bought and sold easily in the secondary market.
  • Tax benefits: The interest earned on T-bills is taxable, but the returns can still be attractive for investors seeking low-risk options.
  • Suitable for diverse investors: T-bills cater to a wide range of investors, from conservative individuals seeking a safe haven to institutions and corporate treasuries looking to park their short-term surplus funds.

How to invest in T-bills?

There are two main ways to invest in treasury bills.

  • Competitive bidding: You can directly participate in RBI auctions and submit your bid for T-bills. This gives you greater control over the price but requires a better understanding of market dynamics.
  • Non-competitive bidding: You can invest through a bank or broker like Ventura Securities in a non-competitive bidding process. The bank or broker handles the bidding process on your behalf, making it simpler, especially for individual investors.

Things to consider

  • Returns: T-bill returns fluctuate based on prevailing interest rates and market conditions. They generally offer lower returns compared to riskier investment options.
  • Interest rate risk: While T-bills have minimal credit risk, they are susceptible to interest rate risk. If interest rates rise, the value of existing T-bills may fall, which could affect your returns if you sell them before maturity.
  • Investment horizon: T-bills are best suited for investors with a short-term investment horizon seeking safety and liquidity.

Who should invest in treasury bills?

T-bills are ideal for:

  • Risk-averse investors: Those seeking the safety of principal and minimal volatility in their investments.
  • Conservative investors: Those looking for steady returns with low risk.
  • Short-term investment needs: Investors parking money for short durations for specific goals.
  • Institutional investors: Banks, financial institutions, and corporate treasuries seeking to manage short-term liquidity.


Treasury bills offer a compelling choice for investors in India seeking a secure, low-risk investment option with easy liquidity. While the returns might not be as high as some other asset classes, they provide valuable stability and peace of mind. If you want a secure haven for your short-term savings, consider adding T-bills to your investment portfolio.

Disclaimer: This blog is for informational purposes only. Please consult a qualified financial advisor before making investment decisions.