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Ventura Wealth Clients
4 min Read

In the intricate world of financial planning, securing your future and protecting your loved ones are paramount concerns. Two prominent financial instruments, Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs) and Term Insurance, address these needs but cater to distinct objectives. Choosing the right option depends on your individual financial goals and risk tolerance. This comprehensive guide delves into the characteristics, benefits, drawbacks, and ideal applications of both ULIPs and term insurance, empowering you to make informed decisions for a financially secure future.

Basics: ULIPs vs. Term Insurance

ULIPs (Unit Linked Insurance Plans):

  • Function: ULIPs combine features of investment and insurance. They invest a portion of your premium in the stock market, offering the potential for market-linked returns.
  • Structure: ULIPs consist of three components: a life cover, a premium allocation charge, and a policy administration charge. The premium allocation charge covers the cost of units purchased, while the policy administration charge takes care of management expenses.
  • Investment Options: ULIPs offer a variety of investment funds with varying risk profiles, allowing you to choose based on your risk tolerance.
  • Maturity Benefits: Upon policy maturity, you receive the accumulated fund value along with any accrued bonuses (if applicable).
  • Tax Benefits: Premiums paid towards ULIPs qualify for tax deduction under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Maturity benefits are also partially tax-exempt under certain conditions.

Term Insurance:

  • Function: Term insurance solely focuses on providing life cover for a specified period (term). If the policyholder dies within the term, the death benefit is paid to the nominee.
  • Structure: Term insurance premiums are generally lower than ULIP premiums as they solely cover the risk of death and do not offer any investment component.
  • Benefits: Term insurance offers high life cover at a relatively low cost, making it an effective tool for securing your loved ones' financial well-being in your absence.
  • Payout: In case of the policyholder's death within the term, the nominee receives a predetermined sum assured (death benefit).
  • Tax Benefits: Premiums paid towards term insurance qualify for tax deduction under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Death benefits received by the nominee are tax-free.

Weighing the advantages and disadvantages



  • Potential for Growth: ULIPs offer the potential for market-linked returns, allowing your wealth to grow over time.
  • Investment Flexibility: You can choose from various investment fund options based on your risk appetite.
  • Life Cover: ULIPs provide life cover, offering financial protection to your loved ones in case of your demise.
  • Tax Benefits: Premiums and (partially) maturity benefits qualify for tax deductions.


  • Market Risk: ULIP returns are subject to market fluctuations, unlike the guaranteed payout of term insurance.
  • Higher Costs: ULIPs typically have higher premiums compared to term insurance due to investment and administrative charges.
  • Lower Death Benefit: The death benefit in ULIPs may be lower compared to term insurance for the same premium amount.
  • Lock-in Period: ULIPs typically come with a lock-in period of 5-6 years, restricting access to your invested funds.

Term Insurance:


  • Pure Protection: Term insurance offers high life cover at a relatively low cost, prioritising financial protection for your beneficiaries.
  • Guaranteed Payout: In case of death during the policy term, the nominee receives the predetermined sum assured.
  • Flexibility: Term insurance plans come in various terms, allowing you to choose coverage aligning with your financial needs.
  • Tax Benefits: Premiums paid qualify for tax deductions. Death benefits received are tax-free.


  • No Investment Component: Term insurance does not offer any returns on investment.
  • Expiry of Coverage: If the policyholder survives the term, the policy expires without any returns.

Selecting the right financial instrument

Choosing between ULIPs and term insurance depends on your specific financial goals and risk tolerance:

  • Seeking Life Cover and Potential Growth: If you prioritise life cover while aiming for potential wealth growth, a combination of term insurance and investment in mutual funds could be a suitable strategy. However, if you prefer a bundled product with both components and are comfortable with market risks, ULIPs can be an option.
  • Prioritising Guaranteed Protection: If your primary objective is to ensure your loved ones' financial security in your absence, term insurance is the preferred choice due to its guaranteed payout and lower cost.

  • Risk Tolerance (continued): ULIPs expose you to market risks, while term insurance offers guaranteed payouts. Choose based on your comfort level with market fluctuations.
  • Investment Horizon: ULIPs are suited for long-term investment goals (10+ years) to potentially ride out market volatility. For shorter-term financial goals, consider alternative investment options.
  • Financial Discipline: ULIPs require discipline in premium payments throughout the policy term. Term insurance premiums offer more flexibility, but coverage ceases if payments lapse.

Practical applications

Here are some scenarios where each product might be a better fit:

  • Young earner with dependents and limited investment knowledge: Opt for term insurance to secure your loved ones' future at an affordable cost.
  • Established professional with dependents and a long-term investment horizon: Consider a combination of term insurance and investment in mutual funds, or explore ULIPs if you prefer a bundled product with life cover and potential growth.
  • Individual seeking pure investment with no life cover needs: Explore mutual funds or other investment options offering greater control and potentially higher returns.

Beyond the basics: additional considerations

  • Rider Benefits: Both ULIPs and term insurance offer optional rider benefits like accidental death benefit, waiver of premium rider, etc., for additional coverage at an extra cost. Choose riders that align with your specific needs.
  • Claim Settlement Ratio: Research the claim settlement ratio of the insurance company before purchasing any policy. A high ratio indicates the company's promptness in settling claims.
  • Financial Advisor: Consulting a qualified financial advisor can be beneficial. They can assess your financial situation, risk tolerance, and goals, and recommend the most suitable insurance product or a combination of products to meet your needs.


ULIPs and term insurance serve distinct purposes in your financial planning strategy. Understanding their characteristics, benefits, and drawbacks empowers you to make informed choices based on your individual needs. Remember, a well-rounded financial plan often incorporates both protection (term insurance) and wealth creation (investments). By carefully evaluating your financial goals and risk tolerance, you can choose the right financial instruments to build a secure future for yourself and your loved ones.