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Ventura Wealth Clients
3 min Read

For many individuals in India, navigating the world of savings and investments can be overwhelming. Two prominent options often confusing are PF (Provident Fund) and PPF (Public Provident Fund). While both encourage saving and offer tax benefits, they cater to different needs and have distinct features. This blog aims to demystify the differences between PF and PPF, empowering you to make an informed decision about which option best suits your financial goals.

What is PF (Provident Fund)?

PF, also known as the Employees' Provident Fund, is a mandatory savings scheme applicable to most salaried individuals in India. It is a contributory scheme where both employer and employee contribute a fixed percentage of the employee's basic salary towards the PF account.

Benefits of PF

  • Mandatory for specified salaried individuals: Generally applies to individuals earning more than ₹15,000 per month.
  • Contribution: Employer and employee contribute 12% of the basic salary each, totalling 24% of the basic salary.
  • Interest rate: The interest rate for PF is determined by the Employees' Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) every year. As of February 2024, the rate is 8.10%.
  • Tax benefits: Employee contributions and interest earned are exempt from income tax up to a certain limit.
  • Maturity: The PF account matures upon retirement, superannuation, or earlier under specific circumstances.
  • Partial withdrawal: Partial withdrawals are allowed for specific purposes like medical emergencies or buying a house, subject to certain conditions.

What is PPF (Public Provident Fund)?

PPF, as discussed earlier, is a voluntary savings scheme offered by the Indian government. Unlike PF, it is not mandatory and anyone, regardless of employment status, can open a PPF account.

Benefits of PPF

  • Voluntary: Anyone, including salaried individuals and non-salaried individuals, can open a PPF account.
  • Contribution: Individuals can contribute a minimum of ₹500 and a maximum of ₹1,50,000 per year.
  • Interest rate: The interest rate for PPF is also set by the government and is currently 7.1% per annum.
  • Tax benefits: Similar to PF, contributions and interest earned are exempt from income tax up to a certain limit. Additionally, the maturity amount is tax-free under specific conditions.
  • Maturity: The maturity period for PPF is 15 years, with an option to extend in blocks of 5 years.
  • Partial withdrawal: Partial withdrawals are allowed only after the completion of 5 years from the account opening, subject to certain limitations.

PF vs. PPF: understanding the differences 

Let us look at the difference between PF and PPF.

MandatoryYes, for eligible salaried individualsNo, voluntary
Contribution12% each from employer and employeeMinimum ₹500, Maximum ₹1,50,000 annually
Interest rate8.10% (as of February 2024)7.1% (as of February 2024)
Tax benefitsContributions and interest are tax-exemptSame as PF, with the additional benefit of tax-free maturity amount under specific conditions
MaturityUpon retirement, superannuation, etc.15 years, with an extension option
Partial withdrawalAllowed for specific reasons and conditionsAllowed after 5 years, subject to limitations

PF or PPF: which one should you choose?

The choice between PF and PPF depends on your individual circumstances and financial goals. Consider the following factors:

  • Employment status: If you are a salaried individual covered under the PF scheme, you automatically contribute to PF. However, you can still open a PPF account for additional savings.
  • Investment amount: PF contributions are a fixed percentage of your salary, while PPF allows you greater flexibility in your investment amount. Choose the option that aligns with your savings capacity and goals.
  • Liquidity needs: PF offers greater liquidity compared to PPF due to earlier maturity and ease of partial withdrawal. If you require more flexibility in accessing your funds, PF might be a better choice.
  • Risk tolerance: Both PF and PPF offer guaranteed returns, making them suitable for risk-averse individuals. However, other investment options might offer potentially higher returns but carry higher risks.


Both PF and PPF offer valuable options for saving and building your financial security. While PF provides mandatory savings with employer contributions, PPF allows for voluntary savings with greater flexibility.

Here are some additional points to consider.

  • Investment horizon: If you have a long-term investment horizon of 15 years or more, PPF can be a good option due to its guaranteed returns and tax benefits. However, if your investment horizon is shorter, other options might be more suitable.
  • Tax liability: If you are in a higher tax bracket, the tax benefits of PPF can be more significant, making it a more attractive option.
  • Alternative investment options: Explore other investment options like mutual funds, stocks, or fixed deposits based on your risk tolerance and financial goals. These might offer potentially higher returns but come with associated risks.

Ultimately, the best choice depends on your individual circumstances and financial goals. Consult a financial advisor to discuss your specific needs and create a personalised plan that incorporates both PF and PPF, along with other investment options, to achieve your financial objectives.

Disclaimer: This blog is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Always consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions.