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3 min Read

The allure of the stock market beckons with the promise of financial freedom. However, navigating its complexities requires choosing a trading style that aligns with your personality, risk tolerance, and goals. Two prevalent approaches – intraday trading and positional trading – offer distinct advantages and drawbacks. This blog equips you to understand these strategies, identify which one suits you best, and ultimately, become a more informed trader.

What is intraday trading?

Intraday trading, also known as day trading, revolves around capitalising on short-term price movements within a single trading day. Imagine yourself as a nimble surfer riding the waves of the market, aiming to catch quick profits before the day's end. Here are some key characteristics of intraday trading:

  • Time Horizon: Positions are opened and closed within the same trading day, with a focus on exploiting intraday volatility.
  • Technical Analysis: Technical indicators and chart patterns play a crucial role in identifying entry and exit points for trades. News events and market sentiment can also influence intraday decisions.
  • Active Management: Intraday trading demands constant monitoring of the market and quick decision-making to react to price fluctuations.
  • Discipline and Focus: Strict discipline and emotional control are essential to avoid impulse decisions and manage risk effectively.

What is positional trading?

In stark contrast, positional trading adopts a longer-term perspective. Here, the focus is on holding positions for days, weeks, or even months, based on a company's underlying fundamentals and long-term growth potential. Think of yourself as a seasoned investor, planting seeds and waiting patiently for them to blossom. Here's what defines positional trading:

  • Time Horizon: Positions are held for extended periods, with a focus on long-term trends and company fundamentals.
  • Fundamental Analysis: Deep research into a company's financial health, future prospects, and competitive landscape forms the basis of trading decisions. Technical analysis might play a supplementary role.
  • Passive Management: Positional traders don't need to be glued to their screens constantly. Once a position is established, monitoring might be less frequent.
  • Discipline and Patience: Discipline is still crucial, but it manifests in the form of patience and the ability to ride out market fluctuations without making impulsive decisions.

Choose your trading style

The ideal options trading style for you depends on your individual personality and circumstances:

Are you…

  • Thriving in a fast-paced environment? Intraday trading might suit your preference for constant action.
  • Comfortable with high-pressure decision-making? The rapid-fire nature of intraday trading demands split-second decisions.
  • Disciplined and emotionally controlled? Intraday trading success hinges on avoiding emotional reactions to market movements.
  • Able to dedicate significant time to actively monitoring markets? Intraday trading requires constant vigilance to time entries and exits precisely.


  • Patient and comfortable with a longer-term view? Positional trading aligns well with a long-term investment mindset.
  • Able to conduct thorough research and analysis? Success in positional trading requires in-depth company research.
  • Disciplined and resistant to market noise? Positional traders need to be patient and avoid knee-jerk reactions to short-term volatility.
  • Limited on time for actively managing your portfolio? Positional trading allows for a less time-intensive approach.

Beyond the binary

It's important to remember that intraday and positional trading represent two ends of a spectrum. Some traders might adopt a hybrid approach, incorporating elements of both strategies depending on the market conditions and the specific stock.


The world of trading offers a plethora of possibilities. By understanding the core principles of intraday and positional trading, you can embark on a journey that aligns with your personality, risk tolerance, and financial goals. Remember, successful trading requires discipline, knowledge, and a healthy dose of caution. So, choose your path wisely, equip yourself with the necessary skills, and navigate the market with confidence!