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Ventura Wealth Clients
2 min Read

Investing can be intimidating, especially with so many options available. Mutual funds, with their professional management and diversification, offer a compelling choice for many investors. But within the universe of mutual fund investment, hybrid funds often raise questions: What are they? How do they work? Should you consider them? In this blog, we will understand hybrid funds, offering an overview and helping you decide if they align with your investment goals.

What are hybrid mutual funds?

Unlike their equity or debt counterparts, hybrid funds, as the name suggests, blend these two asset classes into a single investment vehicle. This unique combination allows them to offer the potential for capital appreciation (through equity exposure) while providing some stability through their debt component. The specific proportions of equity and debt vary depending on the fund's investment objective and risk profile. Here's a breakdown of common types:

  • Equity-oriented hybrid funds: These funds primarily invest in equities (60-80%), with a smaller allocation to debt (20-40%) for stability. They offer growth potential but carry higher risk compared to other hybrid categories. Examples include aggressive hybrid funds and balanced hybrid funds.
  • Debt-oriented hybrid funds: These funds prioritise debt investments (80-90%), offering income generation and capital protection with limited exposure to equity (10-20%). Examples include conservative hybrid funds and dynamic bond funds.
  • Arbitrage funds: These funds capitalise on price discrepancies between similar securities on different exchanges, aiming to generate returns with lower volatility.

Understanding the pros and cons of hybrid mutual funds


  • Diversification: Hybrid funds inherently diversify your portfolio across asset classes, mitigating risk compared to concentrated equity investments.
  • Risk Management: Debt allocation within the fund provides a buffer against market fluctuations, potentially reducing volatility compared to pure equity funds.
  • Income Generation: Depending on the fund's focus, some hybrid funds offer regular income through dividend payouts or interest payments.
  • Goal alignment: Various categories cater to different risk appetites and investment goals, allowing you to choose a fund that aligns with your financial objectives.


  • Lower potential returns: Compared to pure equity funds, hybrid funds generally offer lower potential returns due to their debt allocation.
  • Complexity: Understanding the fund's asset allocation and investment strategy requires more research compared to simpler equity or debt funds.
  • Exit loads: Some hybrid funds charge exit loads if you withdraw your investments within a specific period, impacting your returns.

Investing in hybrid funds: key considerations

  • Risk tolerance: Evaluate your comfort level with risk and choose a fund category that aligns with your risk appetite.
  • Investment horizon: Hybrid funds are generally suited for medium to long-term investments, where market fluctuations have time to even out.
  • Financial goals: Consider your investment goals (wealth creation, income generation, etc.) and choose a fund with an objective that matches your needs.
  • Fund costs: Analyse expense ratios and other fees associated with the fund, as they can impact your overall returns.
  • Past performance: While past performance isn't a guarantee of future results, reviewing a fund's historical performance can offer insights into its risk-return profile.

Beyond the basics: exploring advanced hybrid strategies

The hybrid fund universe extends beyond basic categories, offering more complex strategies.

  • Sectoral hybrid funds: These funds focus on specific sectors like infrastructure, technology, or healthcare, offering targeted exposure with higher risk than diversified hybrid funds.
  • Multi-asset allocation funds: These funds dynamically allocate across various asset classes (equity, debt, commodities, etc.) based on market conditions, aiming for optimal diversification and risk management.


Investing in any mutual fund, including hybrid funds, involves inherent risks. Conducting thorough research, consulting a financial advisor, and choosing funds that align with your individual circumstances are crucial before making any investment decisions.

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