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3 min Read

In the world of stock markets, companies have various tools at their disposal to reward their shareholders. One such method is the issuance of bonus shares. But what exactly are bonus shares, and how do they impact investors and the company itself? If you invest in stocks, this is an interesting concept for you to know. This blog dives deep into the concept of bonus shares, exploring their advantages, potential drawbacks, and crucial considerations for investors.

What are bonus shares?

Bonus shares are essentially free shares issued by a company to its existing shareholders in proportion to their current holdings. It's a way for companies to reward investors for their loyalty and commitment without having to disburse cash dividends.

How does it work?

  • Ratio: Companies declare bonus shares in a specific ratio. For example, a 2:1 bonus issue implies that for every two shares a shareholder holds, they will receive one additional bonus share.
  • Impact on Share Price: When bonus shares are issued, the total number of outstanding shares increases. In theory, this should lead to a proportional decrease in the share price, as the company's value is now spread across a larger number of shares. However, the market might react positively to the bonus issue, potentially leading to a temporary increase or no significant change in the share price.

Advantages of bonus shares for investors

  • Increased Shareholding: Bonus shares directly translate to an increase in the number of shares an investor holds in the company. This can be psychologically appealing and signifies a growing stake in the company's future.
  • Enhanced Liquidity: An increase in the number of outstanding shares can improve the stock's liquidity, making it easier for investors to buy and sell.
  • Potential for Future Growth: Bonus shares represent the company's belief in its future growth potential. This can boost investor confidence and potentially lead to capital appreciation in the long run.

Potential drawbacks of bonus shares

  • Short-Term Dilution of Earning Per Share (EPS): In the near term, bonus shares can dilute a company's EPS, a metric used to assess profitability. This is because the company's profits are now spread across a larger number of shares. However, if the company's profitability grows proportionally in the long run, the EPS can recover.
  • No Immediate Cash Benefit: Unlike dividends, bonus shares don't provide immediate cash flow to investors. The benefit lies in the potential for future capital appreciation.
  • Tax Implications: In some jurisdictions, investors might incur capital gains tax when they eventually sell their bonus shares.

Investor considerations

  • Company's Financial Health: It's crucial to assess the company's financial health before interpreting a bonus issue as a positive sign. Issuing bonus shares to compensate for a lack of profitability might not be a sustainable strategy.
  • Long-Term Growth Prospects: While bonus shares don't directly impact a company's value, they can indicate the company's confidence in its future growth potential. Analyse the company's future plans and overall business strategy to understand if the bonus issue aligns with a sustainable growth trajectory.
  • Alternative Reward Options: Compare bonus shares with the possibility of cash dividends. Depending on your investment goals, receiving regular cash dividends might be more preferable.


Bonus shares can be a valuable tool for companies to reward shareholders and signal confidence in their future. However, they don't represent a direct cash benefit and can have short-term implications for EPS. As an investor, carefully consider the company's financial health, growth prospects, and your own investment goals before viewing bonus shares as a definitive positive. Remember, a comprehensive analysis of the company's overall performance is essential for making informed investment decisions.

Additional points to consider

  • Stock Splits: Bonus shares are sometimes confused with stock splits. While both increase the number of outstanding shares, a stock split also adjusts the share price proportionally, maintaining the total market capitalization of the company.
  • Company Announcements: When a company announces a bonus issue, pay close attention to the specific ratio and the rationale behind the decision.
  • Market Reaction: Monitor the market's reaction to the bonus issue announcement. A positive reaction might indicate investor confidence in the company's future.

By understanding the nuances of bonus shares and their potential impact, you can be a better-informed investor and make strategic decisions aligned with your financial goals.