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Ventura Wealth Clients
4 min Read
Sovereign Wealth Funds

This Independence Day, we stop to think about how fortunate we have been to have a presence across this great nation. Our journey into tier 2 and 3 towns, and beyond, has humbled us and taught us so much about the life and aspirations of the people of India.

We have had the privilege of meeting many amazingly motivated champions of financial inclusion and progress. Abhay Kumar Bhoite from Kolhapur reaches out to the people of his town and educates them about the various options of commodity trading; Manisha and Kashmira, two women of substance, are spreading awareness about stock markets to young minds and helping them kick-start financial careers; Brihad Abhyankar, first generation entrepreneur from Nasik, reaches out to local entrepreneurs and helps them with investment opportunities;

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Jayant Sakpal and Atul Sarde from Satara and Ahmednagar are creating awareness about digitization and also enabling digital trades from the mobile app; S Tiwari, based out of Vasco, facilitates us in reaching out to coast guards and army officials so that they can manage their investments better and ensure that their portfolios are strong and healthy even while they are on duty, away from their families; Sandip Kandekar from Sinnar has made it his mission to reach out to kisans (local farmers) and assist them in getting loans at competitive rates. He also offers them financial guidance in their goals of educating their children and funding their marriage celebrations.

S Jain helps his community plan their tax saving investments more effectively and spreads awareness about NPS, Advisory and PMS services;

Kapil Bhatt from Harrawala, Uttarakhand and Govind Raju from Mysore, Karnataka are two young and dynamic individuals pursuing their vision of helping the community to investment beyond real estate and mentor them to make their money work harder for them; Sindhu Kumar who runs a CSP centre in Sisai, encourages every individual he meets to invest in a minimum of one SIP instead of keeping all their money in savings account.

These are only a few of the financial missionaries we have come across in our own endeavour to take investing to every little town in the country. We salute each of them and wish them well! We also offer them our complete support. At a completely different level, we were awestruck by Charan Shinde, who we met at a training programme we had organised at Ahmednagar. Despite being visually impaired, he was working to financially include other visually impaired and specially-abled people. He was extremely comfortable trading on our software, Ventura Wealth, effortlessly placing Buy / Sell orders in a live market. We salute Charan Shinde for his indomitable spirit and tech-savvy abilities.

All these encounters with financial crusaders of small-town India have made us truly optimistic about the future of our country. With our young and aspirational demographics and rising internet penetration, we envisage a wave of economic progress that will originate in tier 2 and tier 3 cities of this country.

It is barely a matter of time before they explore investment avenues beyond fixed deposits, post office saving schemes, gold and real estate. In our experience, this population is keen to learn, experiment and take steps to improve their quality of life.

With our presence across the length and breadth of our country...Jammu & Kashmir to Kanyakumari; Gujarat to the 7-sisters, we have been reaching out to that 70% of the population, which does not live in the urban areas. Visiting towns like Dhule, Akola, Guwahati, Sawantwadi, Beed, Kathiyar, Gumla, Agartala, Gaya, Rajkot, Satara, Jamnagar, Dehradun, Bhopal, Ludhiana, Vizag, Udaipur, we conduct financial awareness programs and the support of investment experts (IFAs) and offer participants various investment options. During pre-event preparation and ground level activities, we interact with the local influencers and decision makers to understand the requirements of the town and address them.

Going a step further, we have initiated the Ventura Partner Program. Through this initiative, we enable financial missionaries from various walks of life (particularly those who seek to empower their entire network of people with investment opportunities) to grow through a Lifetime opportunity of Learning & Earning*!

This Independence Day, as we recall our journey into the heart of India, we are filled with a heady combination of pride and humility! We look forward to the journey ahead and call out to all those who would like to join us in our mission to take financial inclusion to the next level. Jai Hind!

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