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3 min Read

For aspiring and seasoned traders alike, maximising profits is a constant pursuit. But there's a hidden foe lurking in the shadows – brokerage fees. These seemingly insignificant charges can silently eat away at your returns, significantly hindering your financial goals. This blog equips you with the knowledge to understand brokerage fees, their impact on different trading styles, and strategies to minimise their bite.

What are the types of brokerage fees?

There are two primary culprits when it comes to brokerage fees:

  • Commissions: This is a per-trade fee charged by your broker for executing your buy or sell orders. It can be a fixed amount or a percentage of the trade value. Imagine a commission of ₹10 per trade. If you buy and sell 10 shares of a company priced at ₹100 each, the commission alone would be ₹20 (₹10 for buying and another ₹10 for selling), eating into your potential profit.
  • Platform Fees: Some brokers charge additional fees for using their trading platform. These fees may cover access to data feeds, advanced charting tools, or other features. Think of it like a subscription fee for a more sophisticated trading experience.

Impact on your trading style

The significance of brokerage fees varies depending on your trading style:

  • Day Trading: For day traders who make frequent, high-volume trades throughout the day, even small brokerage fees can accumulate quickly. Imagine a day trader making 20 trades with a ₹10 commission each. That's a cool ₹200 gone before they even factor in potential profits or losses!
  • Swing Trading: Swing traders who hold positions for days or weeks are less impacted by fees, but minimising them can still improve overall returns. Every penny saved is a penny earned, especially when dealing with multiple swing trades.
  • Long-Term Investing: While long-term investors make fewer trades, high brokerage fees can eat into returns over time, especially for smaller investment accounts. A seemingly small ₹50 commission on a long-term investment can make a significant difference over a decade.

Hidden costs to watch out for

Be wary of these hidden costs that can inflate your overall brokerage expenses:

  • Account Maintenance Fees: Some brokers charge annual or monthly fees for maintaining your trading account. Think of it as a yearly or monthly service charge for keeping your account active.
  • Inactivity Fees: If you don't trade for a certain period, some brokers might charge inactivity fees. It's like a penalty for not using their platform!
  • Margin Interest: If you trade on margin (borrowing money from your broker to invest), be aware of the interest charged on borrowed funds. This interest can add up quickly and significantly reduce your potential returns.

How to minimise brokerage costs?

Fortunately, there are strategies to mitigate the impact of brokerage fees:

  • Choose a Low-Cost Broker: Discount brokers typically offer lower commissions and platform fees compared to full-service brokers. Do your research and find a broker that aligns with your trading needs and budget.
  • Negotiate Commissions: For high-volume traders, some brokers might be willing to negotiate commission rates. Don't be afraid to ask!
  • Consider Your Trading Style: Match your broker's fee structure with your trading frequency. If you're a day trader, a low commission fee is crucial.
  • Optimise Order Size: For commission-based fees, consider increasing your order size to reduce the per-share cost. Instead of buying 10 shares with a ₹10 commission per trade, consider buying 50 shares and reducing the commission cost per share.
  • Utilise Free Brokerage Promotions: Some brokers offer commission-free trading promotions for new accounts or specific asset classes. Take advantage of these offers to minimise your initial costs.

Value proposition of your broker

While minimising fees is important, consider the complete value proposition of your chosen broker:

  • Research and Analysis Tools: Do they offer valuable research reports, fundamental analysis, and technical analysis tools? These tools can help you make informed trading decisions.
  • Customer Support: Is their customer support prompt, helpful, and accessible when you need assistance? Reliable support can be invaluable when navigating the complexities of the market.
  • Investment Options: Do they offer a wide range of investment options that align with your investment goals? Having access to a diverse range of assets allows you to build a well-diversified portfolio.


Brokerage fees, while seemingly small, can significantly impact your trading returns. By understanding the different types of fees, their impact on various trading styles, and adopting fee-reduction strategies, you can keep more of your hard-earned profits. However, remember to consider the overall value proposition of a broker beyond just the fees.

A smarter way to save on brokerage

 While most digital-first broking firms offer INR 20 per trade as their broking fees, we, at Ventura, have come up with an exclusive pricing plan for our early customers. You can trade with Ventura at just INR 9 per trade, thereby saving 55% on your brokerage fees.