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3 min Read

In the ever-evolving landscape of Indian taxation, the Goods and Services Tax (GST) has revolutionised the way businesses operate and comply with tax regulations. Filing GST returns is a crucial responsibility for all registered businesses, and navigating the process can seem daunting, especially for first-timers. This comprehensive guide aims to demystify the process of filing GST returns, equipping you with the knowledge and steps necessary to fulfil your tax obligations efficiently and accurately.

What are GST returns?

Before diving into the nitty-gritty of filing, it's essential to grasp the fundamental concepts:

  • What are GST returns? These are documents electronically filed with the GST authorities, summarising your business's GST transactions for a specific tax period. They detail your input tax credit (ITC) (tax paid on purchases), output tax liability (OTL) (tax collected on sales), and ultimately determine the tax payable to the government.
  • Types of GST returns: Depending on your business type, turnover, and filing frequency, different types of GST returns exist. The most common ones include:

    • GSTR-3B: This monthly return is filed by most businesses, summarising their outward supplies (sales), inward supplies (purchases), and tax liability.
    • GSTR-1: This monthly return, filed by businesses with a turnover exceeding ₹1.5 crore, details outward supplies made during the month.
    • GSTR-4: This quarterly return, filed by businesses with a composition scheme registration, summarises their outward supplies and tax liability for the quarter.

Eligibility for filing GST returns

Not all businesses are required to register for GST and file returns. Here's a brief overview:

  • Mandatory registration:

    • Businesses with an annual turnover exceeding ₹40 lakh (₹20 lakh in certain special category states) must register for GST.
    • E-commerce businesses supplying goods or services irrespective of their turnover need to register.

  • Voluntary registration: Businesses with a turnover below the threshold can opt for voluntary registration.

What do you need to file your GST returns?

Before embarking on the filing process, ensure you have the following in place:

  • GST registration: Your business must be registered for GST and possess a valid GST Identification Number (GSTIN).
  • Digital signature certificate (DSC): This electronic signature is used for online authentication during the filing process.
  • Accounting records: Maintain accurate and organised records of your business transactions, including invoices, bills, and purchase records.
  • Internet access and a computer: You'll need a computer with internet access to access the GST portal and complete the online filing process.

A step-by-step guide to filing your GST return (GSTR-3B)

This guide focuses on filing the most common return, GSTR-3B. Remember, the specific steps might differ slightly for other return types:

  1. Visit the GST portal: Access the official GST portal using a compatible web browser.
  2. Login: Enter your GSTIN and password to log in to your account.
  3. Navigate to the "Returns" section: From the dashboard, select the "Returns" option and choose the appropriate tax period for which you want to file the return.
  4. Select the "GSTR-3B" return: Choose the "GSTR-3B" option from the available return types.
  5. Fill in the required details: The portal will display various sections requiring information, including:

    • Supply details: Enter details of your outward supplies (sales) made during the tax period, including the taxable value, tax rate, and IGST/CGST/SGST components.
    • Purchase details: Enter details of your inward supplies (purchases) made during the tax period, including the taxable value, tax paid (ITC), and IGST/CGST/SGST components.
    • Tax calculation: The system automatically calculates your tax liability based on the information provided.
    • Payment details: If applicable, enter details of any GST payments made during the period.

  6. Review and submit: Carefully review all the entered information for accuracy and completeness. Once satisfied, submit the return electronically using your DSC.
  7. Download acknowledgement: Once submitted successfully, download the acknowledgement receipt for your records.

Additional tips and considerations

  • File your returns on time: Timely filing of returns is crucial to avoid penalties and interest charges.
  • Maintain accurate records: Keeping meticulous records of all your transactions facilitates accurate return filing and eases audits if required.
  • Seek professional help: If you encounter complexities or require assistance, consider seeking guidance from a tax professional or consultant experienced in GST matters.
  • Stay updated: The GST regulations and processes are subject to changes and updates. Regularly stay informed through official sources like the GST portal or consultations with tax professionals to ensure compliance.
  • Utilise available resources: The GST portal offers various resources and tutorials to aid taxpayers in understanding the filing process and navigating the system effectively.
  • Maintain a paper trail: While online filing is encouraged, it's advisable to retain physical copies of invoices, bills, and other relevant documents for potential future reference or audits.


Filing GST returns may seem like a complex task initially, but with careful understanding, preparation, and utilisation of available resources, it can be efficiently managed. By following the steps outlined above, maintaining accurate records, and staying updated on regulations, you can fulfil your GST compliance requirements promptly and accurately. Remember, timely filing and accurate reporting are essential aspects of responsible business operations and contribute to the smooth functioning of the GST regime in India.